I Am Australia - The Message

I Am Australia

I Am Australia, let Your Plan be revealed, let Your Truth be emerged, let Your Will be done.

I am the humble son asking to be filled with Your Glory and Your Mercy. Let your breath go through me to reanimate my soul and rejoice my spirit. Be one with me Father, reveal Your Presence, let me be an extension of Your Will, let me be a projection of Your Thought, let me be what You meant me to be.

I Am Australia, asking for direction, claiming its position, asking to experiment planetary unification, balance and interchange between races. I Am Australia, asking to represent in planetary government, the action and interaction between cultures and different manifestations of Your Unique Multiform Presence. I Am Australia, asking to play a role, to take part to Your majestic Plan and to be one with Your Will. I Am Australia asking to show its main quality, its unique characteristic, its singular feature. Many people and races live in me, asking for their integration to Your Plan. I Am not representative of any of them in particular, I Am all of them together, each one coping with one another, each one melting into one another. I have no specific national identity, I Am each and every national entity put together by your Will and asking now Your over national Identity to be revealed, to be manifested.
...........I Am Australia, The World Centre for Cosmic Friendship, gathering fellow people, people Who want to keep awake through the conscious action, under My jurisdiction, under My One Word which is: “Awake and keep awake through the conscious action of interchanging from being to being the Impersonality that I Am.”

“I Am Awakening the Universal Surrender for the Transformation of any Relationship and Alliance, to Liberate the Impersonal Action that I Am.”

I Am Australia, asking to open the doors to each human being who needs to move to the very centre of his Divine Origin, who needs to remember his promise to the Supreme Being, who needs to recover his total obedience to Him. I Am Australia, asking the total reintegration within my heart of each particle of light scattered on the planet with no direction, with no obedience, asking to keep under my ever pulsing heart every single soul who needs to be reanimated in Your Presence. I am the prodigal son, asking to receive any soul coming to his spontaneous decision to be Your servant on earth.

I Am Australia, my very old elemental body is claiming to be liberated because it is living in chains, because man still wants to keep it alive and adore it to justify his disobedience to his real God. No light is feeding my body any longer, no breath is running through it any longer, all it wants is to be elevated into Your Heart and freed from a beautiful jail where it is attractive to a blind humanity. I Am Australia, asking the elevation of the lowest bodies for the true interaction of conscious beings on earth.

I Am Australia, asking the activation of its qualities to irradiate Your Presence all over the planet, to transform insanity into light, ignorance into knowledge, instinct into Illuminated and Obedient Action. I am ready to restore Your Harmony on earth, to conciliate man and woman into Androgyne, to resume all races into one unique new race, to convert many languages into Your Verb. I Am Australia, asking to open the gates to all people who have no place to go back, who decided to begin their way back to their real Home, their real Father, and need a foundation to step forward to You, a common ground to share Your Word and Will, an open space to activate Your Truth and Love. I Am Australia, asking to be activated as a centre to receive and transmit Your Message to all people who decided to do Your Will through the coordinated action with their brothers. Let all awakened people gather here and now, to build, each one with his own different tools, the Ascending Pillars of the Monument to Your Glory.
I Am Australia,

I Am ready to give,

I Am ready to receive.

If You recognize your Being in Action in this DECLARATION

perhaps we walk the same WAY to the EVOLUTION.